Straighten Your Smile Discreetly With Invisalign

If you're looking for a straight, gorgeous smile, look no further than Invisalign, the discreet and timely solution for a picture-perfect set of teeth. If your teeth are crooked, gapped, or otherwise uneven, Invisalign from Emerson Dental in Fircrest can give you the smile you've always wanted.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a series of clear aligners, worn in progressive sizes that concentrate on straightening a few teeth at a time.

What are the benefits of Invisalign?

Discreetness is the top reason many people turn to Invisalign for straightening your teeth. While braces require wires and brackets, the aligners from your dentist at our Fircrest office are clear and fitted to your teeth, making them invisible to others while they work their magic.

Invisalign also offers comfort, as the aligners are custom made to fit your exact set of teeth. At our Fircrest office, your dentist will take an impression of your teeth and use them to create a mold for your aligners. Your dentist will make sure that your aligners fit snuggly over your natural teeth so that you don't experience any irritation or tightness.

Convenience is another benefit of Invisalign, as you will only need to wear each set of aligners for a few weeks before moving on to your next set. Easy to remove for brushing and eating, Invisalign is worn for 22 hours a day, so your aligners are working throughout the day and night to straighten your teeth effectively and inconspicuously. Once you have completed your series of aligners, your teeth will remain straight.

Invisalign is an easy, effective way to achieve the smile of your dreams. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Phuong Nguyen, your dentist at Emerson Dental in Fircrest, WA, by dialing 253-565-2895.

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