Orthodontic Testimonials

Dear Emerson Dental,

I am so happy with the continued progress of my Invisalign. Yesterday was the first time I had a cleaning that my gums didn’t bleed and I wasn’t in agony when I left the office. I never thought I would have straight teeth again. It’s so much easier to floss and brush. I used to have to take 2 Extra Strength Tylenol every morning for headaches I would get from grinding my teeth at night. I rarely have any headaches now because I have the Invisalign to protect my teeth. Thank you for working with me so I could afford these on my budget.

I will be forever a customer of yours.

-Pennye L.

Dear Dr. Nguyen,

I LOVE my Invisalign. Not just because it is making my teeth straight and beautiful but because my jaw doesn’t hurt anymore. After a few years of living in pain and covering the swelling of my jaw with my hair, my Invisalign has aligned my teeth and jaw so that I don’t wake up with horrible headaches in the morning.

I had metal band braces when I was a kid. They left a metal taste in my mouth and were extremely uncomfortable and painful. Invisalign is none of those and is, in my opinion, the only way to go. I highly recommend anyone who is even thinking of straightening their teeth to try Invisalign first. You and your staff are kind, professional and caring and look for solutions to fit individual circumstance.

Thank you so much!

-Michelle C.

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